Andar per Sentieri

‘Andar per sentieri’ offers excursions and trekking routes through the island’s most suggestive paths.

Nature and tradition, environment, food and wine are important elements for Ischia, in the wake of a steady growth in environmental and cultural tourism. “Andar per sentieri” is the event that proposes excursions and trekking routes through the island’s most suggestive paths, with fascinating windows on geology, biology and anthropology. An effective way to discover the varied hinterland of Ischia, breathing in its vibrant beauty and feeding on its millenary, often hidden, history. The event is held every year in spring under the direction of Pro Loco Panza, Club Alpino Italiano (Ischia subsection) and Nemo Association. Unchanged formula with highly qualified guides and extremely suggestive routes, from the Pelara Bay to Frassitelli. Landscapes will be enriched by the spring blossoms and will tell the thousand faces of the rural island, among rows of vines and centuries-old wine cellars, breathtaking views and cliffs that slope steeply down to the sea.